Anti-Virus & Malware = Myths And Facts

Hello everyone,

Since I joined this great community, I have been engaged in many interesting topic's, heated discussions and most of them I enjoyed very much.
During those conversations I did have the privilege to get to know some of you and what I did notice is that there are some who are technically very skilled and have a wealth of gunjingan to share, and there you got those who do not know much and base their skills and opinions upon what the masses publish on the internet.
And then you got those people who are called wannabe experts....

There are some really great guides written on the internet, and there is so much knowledge out there that its perfectly understandable if one does not know which is right & wrong, true or plausible.
Because like it or not there are millions of webpages and blogs out there written by so called wannabe experts.
And in my line of work I come across so many people that based their options upon these information sources.

Does that mean that all those webpages and blogs are totally baseless and wrong?
No not at all, some of them actually do have some valid info.
However most of this gunjingan is one sided, incorrect or seemingly altered to fill a blog post.
Note that most of these blogs do not have ANY relation to the industry itself and thus by no means represent its standards.

I am by no means going to pass judgment, and I am not going to claim that I know it all, and neither am I going to portray myself as the ultimate UBER expert.
Because I am not in the position to pass judgment, and neither am I mister know it all.
And I am not going to spend the next 30 minutes writing this HUGE topic with the aim to bullshit you and ruin my reputation. So you might wanna give me a break here as I am going to say some controversial and to some even sensational comments based upon my 15+ years of professional experience in the computer industry.
And based upon that experience I hope you will give me a fair shot in explaining some basic things about security software.

Allow me to explain some according to my knowledge.

This test says that, this report say this.
Who gives the best protection?
Who has the highest detection rate?
Who is the best?
Who has the best removal options?

Testing security software is a integral part of the industry and it serves a basic function which provides security developers with a external baseline and way to test their product outside their own protected environment using various techniques and methodologies.

So these tests are usually a indication for the developers and costumers about what to expect from a product at that particular point in time.
Often if a security developer reviews the report they make macro changes into their product to solve issues and to fine tune their end product.

That being said those tests can cloud your judgment and give you a false indication about a antivirus program, if you do not understand how, what and where.
Some say look kesibukan X has 99% detection rate...(Yell JUMP jump HYPER hyper) so kesibukan X must be the best out there and all others suck.
People that's BS at best...

Some say I have used this product for years and never did have a virus. Really?
Sure whatever makes you feel comfortable....
Fact is most home users are like sheep, they move in the direction all other sheeps move.
That sounds really disrespectful but its the truth.

Imagine if one person says: Uber Antivirus is the best
Some say: Whatever sure.
If 100000 persons say: Uber Antivirus is the best
Some say: I got to try that.
If 1 million people say: Uber Antivirus is the best.
Then suddenly its the biggest discovery since penicillin.

Imagine 1 million people equals 1 million unique idea's and opinions.
Put them in one room, have them talk for 5 minutes then suddenly you got 1 million people and 1 common idea and opinion.

Does that make a product good or bad? Hell no people.... wake up.
Companies like: ESET, Kaspersky, Symantec, TrendMicro, Mcafee and others spend millions of dollars in research, testing and development... Do you really think they are as bad as some of the tests indicate? Or do you really think that they are as bad as some members claim?

example: Mister X used Sophos and due to a friend he tested Malwarebytes, and guess what?
Malwarebytes found 12 malicious files.
So Mister X comes here on the lembaga and writes a topic: Sophos sucks & Malwarebytes Rocks.

What Mister X did not tell you is that he ignored basic practices, that he did not follow clear written protocols and that he is using keygens, cracks, torrents and a pirated windows which he downloaded from link: and that he did not update his PC and config since the stone age.

There you got one sheep planting a opinion on a huge lembaga like this one.
Now as you probably guessed Mister X is not the only one breaking every rule...
There are millions across the internet.

And then suddenly Sophos has become the nightmare kesibukan of the century.
Truth is that you did not allow Sopshos to protect you in the way they intended.
Or did they do all the above things? I do not think so.
Rules and guide's & protocols are there for a reason.
If you fail to plan you plan to fail its THAT simple.

When push comes to shove it really does not matter if you use Sophos, ESET, Mcafee, Symantec, Bitdefender, Trentmicro, Panda, F-Secure and others, they all will protect you and they all will be capable enough to deal with past, present and even future based dangers.

Test results are NOT written in stone and they are just a indication.
Also each kesibukan works in their own unique way, some have a kick ass scanner and some have a better removal module..
A Antivirus package cannot be judged just by its detection, one should judge it over the entire spectrum of its capabilities. On top of that basic practices and protocols should be applied or ANY AV will be rendered useless.
(PS did you just click on the above link? you serious? omg... FAIL.)

Most people do not realize that the antivirus industry has various agreements that guarantee a baseline level of protection which has been formally agreed in the industry.
So pick any of the above names and you will be fine.

Also the comparison between Internet Security Solutions Versus Dedicated tools is comparing a donkey versus a duck.
For example how on earth can you compare NIS and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
Malwarebytes is a dedicated tool, while NIS is a: Jack of all trades, master of none!!
Just realize that there are so many programs out there, and each one does have its own tools and options.
But they are all different and have their own ways, but at the same time they are very much the same.
They all want to protect you and they all try to offer just that.
The hard part is understanding how these programs are going to protect you, and more importantly what you need to do to make sure that a kesibukan can perform optimally.

And a test report or a simple review based upon some new malware is not going to do that for you.

Related : Anti-Virus & Malware = Myths And Facts

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