Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Network (Simple Must Do)


Some people are asking me, how do i protect my wi-fi from intruders?

not really complicated.

1- Password: 

Choose a good long complicated password with special sign if possible like : @umbr4.i5.da.b3st@

2- Allow only your devices
In terbaru router you can filter the MAC adresses connected to your wi-fi network, this setting is usually under Wi-fi security tab .

a- count the number of devices you have > limit the number of devices in the network to their numbers (if you own 5 devices , allow only 5 devices)

b- Just collect all of your devices MAC addresses > add them to the router list > set the router to "allow" ( them) only. now any devices not listed will not connect. simple and efficient.

3- Alien devices

Now you will say "hey mate, but if my friends come to my house and want use my wi-fi , do i have to redo the procedure?"
My answer ? NO, and this is how to do:

1- your router should have the option to make hotspots, so create a hotspot
2- put a simpler password
3- you can still limit the number of devices. let say 10 , unless you often have lot of friend partying at your house Choose a good long complicated password with special sign if possible like  Secure your home Wi-Fi network (simple Must Do)

so now you have a secure personal wifi network impervious to all alien devices , plus one hotspot for your friends

Related : Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Network (Simple Must Do)

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